Best-of-breed cloud native security with Aqua and Orca

Enhanced multi-cloud visibility from Orca and advanced runtime protection from Aqua, with critical alert data in one place.

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The Aqua and Orca integration: How it works
Aqua Orca Diagram

Stop attacks across every workload

Protect your VMs, Containers, and Serverless Functions with Aqua. Prevent container drift, ensure immutability, and surgically block malicious activities and malware across all types of cloud native workloads using real-time behavioral detection.
Stop attacks across every workload

Secure everything you have in the cloud

Gain visibility and continuous security spanning cloud infrastructure, workloads (enhanced with telemetry from the Aqua’s advanced runtime protection), data, identities, and other critical assets with easy onboarding and seamless deployments.
Secure everything you have in the cloud